Cranford Tiered System of Supports

New Jersey Multi Tiered System of Support
Cranford Public Schools believes in providing interventions to students who are not meeting the standards that the district believes are necessary for a successful completion of a high school diploma. Some students’ learning styles or processes require different strategies and different materials in addition to the materials used. To provide the most effective education for ALL students, we believe we must provide an effective education for EACH student. Therefore, in Cranford Public Schools, we will begin implementing the New Jersey Multi Tiered System of Support, a three-tiered approach with varying levels of support beyond the general education, or core curriculum. NJMTSS builds on Intervention and Referral Services (I&RS) and gives schools structure to meet the academic, behavioral, health, enrichment and social/emotional needs of all students. This will happen in phases over several school years. The teachers and administrators will work together to successfully adopt this model.
We believe that we have the responsibility to make ALL students successful
and we do that one child at a time!