District Departments » Counseling » College and Career Rep Visits

College and Career Rep Visits

If you are a college admissions representative looking to schedule a visit to Cranford High School, we would love to host you!
Admission counselors can now go to https://CounselorCommunity.com to schedule an appointment with our high school.

Since we are limited with our time, we reserve these visits only for non-profit 2 and 4 year post-secondary institutions, the military and vocational/technical schools. If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Sandy Mustillo via email or 908-709-6303.


We are fortunate to have many college admission counselors visit CHS from September-December. These informal, group visits are a great way to learn more about the respective college or university. 

Any student who would like to attend a college rep visit must sign up in Naviance at least 24 hours in advance. Log in to your Naviance account and click on the Colleges tab > College Visits.