CPS Transitioning Back To Hybrid Learning 12/14
Dear Cranford community,
I hope this correspondence finds you and your family doing well. The purpose of this letter is to inform you that the District will transition back to hybrid in-person instruction on Monday, December 14. We are excited to welcome you back!
The decision to return was based on a review of the most current data and circumstances and guided by the Township Health Department. We will continue to actively monitor State and regional health information and work in partnership with the Township Health Department. Please be advised that to date, contact tracing indicates there have been no cases of COVID-19 transmitted in Cranford Public Schools; transmission has happened outside the school environment.
Your child’s respective school principal will be reaching out to you to provide more information with regard to transitioning back to hybrid in-person learning.
Again, I cannot thank you enough for your partnership! Your patience, flexibility and support continue to exemplify the qualities that make Cranford such a special place.
We will only get through this together!
Be well and stay safe.
Scott Rubin
Wear a mask, Wash your hands, Watch your distance