Survey and School Scheduling Planning Update
Dear Parents / Guardians, Students, and Community Members,
I hope this letter finds you and your family well. As you know, the CDC released guidance last week which revised its physical distancing guidelines for students in schools from a minimum of 6 feet to a minimum of 3 feet with masks for most school activities. Additionally, the New Jersey Department of Health, on Wednesday, updated its COVID-19 Public Health Recommendations for Local Health Departments for K-12 Schools to reflect distancing recommendations as outlined by the CDC.
Here are some of the highlights:
Elementary Schools(Low, Moderate and High-Risk Transmission Levels): Recommend full in person instruction with a minimum of 3 feet of physical distancing between students maintained in classrooms with strict adherence to mask-wearing in Low, Moderate and High-Risk Levels.
Middle/High schools(Low and Moderate Risk Transmission Levels):
Recommend full in person instruction with a minimum of 3 feet of physical distancing between students maintained in classrooms with strict adherence to mask-wearing in Low and Moderate Risk Levels. -
Middle/High Schools(High-Risk Transmission Levels):
While in High-Risk Level, consider in person instruction if able to maximize physical distancing of 6 feet or more. Recommend 6 feet of physical distancing between students to the maximum extent practicable with strict adherence to mask-wearing. -
Mask wearing should be enforced at all times.
We are hopeful that the transmission rate will come down from the high range in the near future, allowing the District, in accordance with the new CDC and NJDOH guidelines, to provide an opportunity for all students, grades 6-12 to attend school (in-person) 5 days a week, under the current schedule (no lunch / remote afternoons) starting on May 3.
Currently, we are able to accommodate most PreK-5 students with 6 foot physical distancing. However, based on the numbers of students who requested to transition from full remote to in-person instruction on April 19, there may be a few classrooms, districtwide, where the distance may be less than 6 feet (but no less than 3 feet), in accordance with the new CDC and NJDOH guidance. If your child is in a class where this occurs, the principal will provide prior notice.
Please know we are simultaneously working towards our previously stated goal: For all students to have the opportunity to safely attend school in-person, full-time, every day starting in September. We will continue to provide you with periodic updates on our progress as well as opportunities for community input.
Thank you again for your patience, flexibility, partnership, and support!
Be well and stay safe!
Scott Rubin